2015년 8월 15일 토요일

Celebration to 70th Korea Independence Day 광복절

There was a big parade to celebrate 70th 광복절 in Seoul.

It was good to see that, but i felt sorry when i imagine 위안부( Korean comfort womens for Japanes military)

Korea’s history has been intertwined with Japan for as long as anyone can remember. One significant turning point between the two countries took place between 1910 and 1945. That’s when Japan colonized Korea and committed some horrific war crimes. One example would be the use of Korean women as sex slaves at military brothels during World War Ⅱ. Many Koreans are angry that Japan has yet to formally apologize for its wartime atrocities.

I do not understand why Japanese do not apologize for korean comfort womens.

위안부 할머니들 힘내세요!

일본은 위안부 할머니들에게 진심어린 사과를 하길 바랍니다. 더 늦기전에!!!

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