2015년 7월 31일 금요일

Thanks Hanna for reusing our WiFi device.-www.koreawifi.net

Thanks Hanna for reusing our WiFi device.

Nice meeting you today and appreciated your present :)♥ Hava fun in Korea!!★ ================================= Coming to Korea?
You can reserve WiFi now!
Rent Mobile WiFi(EGG) in Korea!

韓国 旅行 出張 留学に
韓国 WiFi ルーター レンタル

KAKAO ID : seren3062
LINE, WECHAT ID : koreawifi
E-mail : koreawifi1@gmail.com
Tel, WhatsApp : 82-10-4576-3062

2015년 7월 29일 수요일

Thank you very much for contacting us again for renting WiFi device!!

Thanks Aorjaa for using our service whenever you come to Korea.Thanks for Thai snacks as well.

Had a good time with you eating 치맥^^ See you again in September♥

Coming to Korea?
You can reserve WiFi now!
Rent Mobile WiFi(EGG) in Korea!


韓国 旅行 出張 留学に
韓国 WiFi ルーター レンタル

KAKAO ID : seren3062
LINE, WECHAT ID : koreawifi
E-mail : koreawifi1@gmail.com
Tel, WhatsApp : 82-10-4576-3062

#korea#kpop #ソウル#韓国#korean#韓国旅行#seoul##trip#travel#travelgram#korean#koreatrip#旅行#traveling#kr##traveling#studyingkorean #kpoplover##learningkorean#kdrama#instago#instatravel#ilovekorea#渡韓#koreanclass#Thailand

2015년 7월 28일 화요일

Learn Korean with LooKorea #3 - 치맥

Learn Korean with LooKorea! #3

치맥!! Chicken + Beer★

Every Korean loves 치맥 especially in hot summer like these days.

Ex) 오늘 일 끝나고 치맥하자!
Lets have 치맥 after work! 「치킨(チキン)」と「맥주(メッチュ・ビール)」を合わせた呼び方。韓国ではビールに合うおつまみの代表がチキンであり、チキンの専門店やチェーン店が数多く存在します。

오늘 덥네요. 일 끝나면 치맥이라도 할까요?

#korea#kpop #ソウル#韓国#korean#韓国旅行#seoul##trip#travel#travelgram#korean#koreatrip#旅行#traveling#traveling#studyingkorean#kpoplover#learningkorean#kdrama#instago#instatravel#ilovekorea#渡韓#koreanclass#studyingkorean#hangul#speakkorean#speakingkorean#ハングル

2015년 7월 23일 목요일

Weekly Korean with LooKorea #1 - Learn Korean.

Welcome to LooKorea for room rent!!

Friendly and resonable Room Consulting Agency LooKorea is happy to provide support for finding room airport pick-up & sending-offrecruiting service, learning Korea, tour guide, etc. throughout Seoul, Korea.

Our main purpose is to provide convenient, affordable, reliable place to our clients.

LooKorea is a full-service provider for all things concerning visiting to 
and living in Seoul, Korea.

LooKorea services are designed to help foreign customers adapt to daily life in Seoul and Korean culture. We pride ourselves in providing you trustworthy and reliable information. 
We do our best to provide the best service possible for our customers.

If you have any difficulties upon landing Korea, please feel free to contact us. Let us help you start your time in Korea the right way. 

We want you to be our customer! 


Stating July, we will upload some useful Korean expression.:D

되게=very,much,really 「되게(テゲ)」は「すごく」という意味で、会話で強調する時によく使われます。

It is very hot.
되게 덥다

It is very beautiful.
되게 이쁘다

・이 옷 예쁘고 되게 싸다
イ オッ イェプゴ テゲ サダ

Practice makes perfect! 
                                                                 Keep up the good work~                         

2015년 7월 20일 월요일

Stay Connected anywhere, anytime in Korea 5000WON / 1DAY - www.koreawifi.net

Welcome to KoreaWiFi
Stay Connected anywhere, 
anytime in Korea 

5000WON / 1DAY 

Korea WiFi is dedicated to renting you WiFi router 
for the duration of your stay in the greater Seoul area.
We pride ourselves in providing you trustworthy and reliable information.
Our purpose is to provide convenient WiFi router to our clients.

If you have any questions in regards to making reservations for renting WiFi in Seoul, Korea,
please do not hesitate to contact us as we are more than willing to help you.

Korea WiFiへようこそ
Korea WiFiは韓国に旅行、留学、ビジネス出張など

KoreaWiFiのポケットWiFi - EGG 

私たちKOREA WiFiがお手伝い致します。


Thanks for your comment.^^♥ ---www.koreawifi.net

Thanks for your comment.^^♥

Coming to Korea?
You can reserve WiFi now!
Rent Mobile WiFi(EGG) in Korea!


韓国 旅行 出張 留学に
韓国 WiFi ルーター レンタル

KAKAO ID : seren3062
LINE, WECHAT ID : koreawifi
E-mail : koreawifi1@gmail.com
Tel, WhatsApp : 82-10-4576-3062

2015년 7월 10일 금요일

Thank you very much for traveling with koreawifi and your comment.

Hello~ Lieven!! Thank you very much for traveling with koreawifi and your comment. 
I hope you had a great time in Korea wihth our WiFi device. Take care~ 감사합니다.

Coming to Korea soon?
You can reserve WiFi now!
Rent Mobile WiFi(EGG) in Korea!

2015년 7월 5일 일요일

Stay Connected anywhere, anytime in Korea at the cheapest price 5000WON / 1DAY

Stay Connected anywhere, anytime in Korea 
at the cheapest price 
5000WON / 1DAY 

Korea WiFi is dedicated to renting you WiFi router 
for the duration of your stay in the greater Seoul area. 
We pride ourselves in providing you trustworthy and reliable information.
Our purpose is to provide convenient WiFi router to our clients.

If you have any questions in regards to making reservations for renting WiFi in Seoul, Korea, 
please do not hesitate to contact us as we are more than willing to help you.

2015년 7월 2일 목요일

Rent WiFi in Korea and Share with friends! You can save the money!

Charlotte from UK.

Nice meeting you and hope you have a great time in Korea!

Coming to Korea?
You can reserve WiFi now!
Rent Mobile WiFi(EGG) in Korea!

韓国 旅行 出張 留学に
韓国 WiFi ルーター レンタル

KAKAO ID : seren3062
LINE, WECHAT ID : koreawifi
E-mail : koreawifi1@gmail.com
Tel, WhatsApp : 82-10-4576-3062